Course SOA-C02 AWS Solutions SysOps Associate

Technology provider: AWS
Exam: SOA-C02


  • Use standard AWS infrastructure features such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Elastic Load Balancing, and Auto Scaling from the command line.
  • Use AWS CloudFormation and other automation technologies to produce stacks of AWS resources that can be deployed in an automated and repeatable way.
  • Create virtual private networks that work with Amazon VPC from scratch using the AWS Management Console
  • Deploy Amazon EC2 instances using command line calls and troubleshoot common instance issues
  • Monitor the health of Amazon EC2 instances and other AWS services
  • Manage user identity, AWS permissions, and cloud security
  • Manage resource consumption in an AWS account using tools like Amazon CloudWatch, tagging, and Trusted Advisor.
  • Select and implement the best strategy for creating reusable Amazon EC2 instances
  • Set up a set of Amazon EC2 instances that start up behind a load balancer, with the system scaling up and down in response to demand.
  • Edit and Troubleshoot a Basic AWS CloudFormation Stack Definition

Audience profile

  • System administrators
  • Software developers, especially those in a Developer Operations (DevOps) role


  • AWS Technical Basics
  • Knowledge of software development or system administration.
  • keep operating systems on the command line
  • Basic knowledge of network protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP)

Intensity and Schedules

  • Live virtual training.
  • With an intensity of 32 hours, the training is given 3 times a week from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm Colombia time

Module 1: EC2 instance management.


  1. EC2 Overview.
  2. Launch and configuration instances.
  3. Instance monitoring.
  4. Instance error checking and handling.
  5. Placement groups.

Laboratory 1 : Billing Alarm configuration.

Laboratory 2 : Launch and configuration of instances.

Laboratory 3 : monitoring and checking of instances.

Module 2: AMI Amazon Machine Image.

Lesson 1: Predefined and custom AMIs.

Laboratory 1 : Launch instance from AMI by default.                                              

Lab 2 : Build custom AMI and launch instance.

Module 3: EC2 SSM & OpsWorks.


  1. SSM Overview
  2. SSM Agent for EC2.
  3. Tags and Resource groups.
  4. SSM Run Commands and Automation.
  5. Parameter store.
  6. Inventory.
  7. SSM Patchmanager.
  8. SSM Session Manager.
  9. OpsWork Overview

Lab 1 : Configure and access instance by SSM Session Manager.

Module 4: EC2 High availability and scaling.


  1. Elastic load balancing Overview.
  2. Classic load balancer and Application load balancer.
  3. Network load balancer.
  4. Gateway load balancer.
  5. ELB Sticky Sessions and Cross zone load balancing.
  6. ELB – SSL certificates.
  7. ELB Connections Draining.
  8. ELB Monitoring, error handling and logs.
  9. ELB Target groups and rules.
  10. Auto-scaling and monitoring groups.

Laboratory 1 : APPELB configuration.

Laboratory 2: Autoscaling group configuration.

Laboratory 3: Configuration of scaling rules.

Module 5: EC2 Beanstalk.

Lesson 1 : Beanstalk overview

Module 6: Cloud formation.


  1. Cloud formation overview
  2. JSON vs. YAML.
  3. Create, update and delete a stack.
  4. Template Cloudformation sections (Resources, Parameters, Mapping, Outputs and Conditions).
  5. Template Cloud formation intrinsic functions.
  6. Cloud formation user data.
  7. Cloudformation cfn-init, cfn-signal and wait conditions.
  8. Nested stacks.
  9. Cloudformation changeSets and drift.
  10. CloudformationDeletionPolicy and TerminationProtection.
  11. CloudformationDependsOn.
  12. Cloud formation ASG.
  13. Cloudformation Stack and StackSets.

Laboratory 1 : Create, update and delete stack

Module 7: EC2 Storage (EBS and EFS).


  1. EBS overview.
  2. EC2 Instance Store.
  3. EBS types Deep dive.
  4. EBS management and encryption.
  5. EBS snapshots.
  6. SAI overview.
  7. SAI vs EBS.
  8. Storage monitoring.

Laboratory 1 : Management, snapshots and EBS restoration.

Module 8: S3 Fundamentals and Management.


  1. S3 Overview
  2. S3 Versioning and consistency model.
  3. S3 Vault lock.
  4. S3 Security and S3 bucket policies.
  5. S3 Websites and CORS.
  6. S3 MFA Delete.
  7. S3 Access Logs.
  8. S3 Replication.
  9. S3 Presigned URLs.
  10. S3 Types of storage and life cycles.
  11. S3Analytics.
  12. Athena.
  13. S3 access points.
  14. VPC Endpoints.
  15. S3 Multipart upload.

Laboratory 1: S3 bucket management.

Laboratory 2: Configuration of life cycle rules.

Module 9: Advanced Storage


  1. Snow Family
  2. StorageGateway.
  3. FSx.

Module 10: Cloudfront


  1. Cloud Front Overview.
  2. Cloudfront – S3 – ALB.
  3. Cloudfront monitoring.

Module 11: RDS


  1. RDS Overview.
  2. RDS Multi AZ vs read replicas.
  3. RDS Failover scenarios.
  4. RDS Security and encryption.
  5. RDS-Proxy.
  6. RDS Parameters group.
  7. RDS Backups.
  8. RDS Monitoring, events and logs.
  9. RDS Performance insights.
  10. Aurora overview.
  11. Aurora backups.
  12. Elastic cache overview (Redis and Memcache).

Module 12: Monitoring, auditing and performance.


  1. Cloudwatch Metrics, custom metrics and logs.
  2. Cloudwatch alarms.
  3. Cloudwatch events and Eventbridge.
  4. Service Quotas Overview.
  5. Cloud Trail Overview.
  6. ConfigOverview.
  7. Cloudwatch Vs Cloud Trail Vs Config.

Laboratory 1: Dashboard configuration, alarms and events in cloudwatch.

Module 13: Manage AWS accounts


  1. AWS Status and Personal Health.
  2. AWS Organizations overview.
  3. AWS Control Tower.
  4. AWS Service Catalog.
  5. AWS Billing Alarms.
  6. AWS Budget and Cost Explorer.
  7. AWS Cost allocations tags and cost reports.
  8. AWS Compute Optimizer.

Lab 1: AWS Status and personal Health (event configuration).

Module 14: Datasync and backup


  1. AWS DataSync overview.
  2. AWS Backup overview.

Module 15: Security and compliance.


  1. AWS Shared Responsibility Model.
  2. AWS Shield and WAF Overview.
  3. Inspector Overview.
  4. Log Overview.
  5. Macie, Trusted Advisor, Guard Duty Overview.
  6. KMS Encryption and CloudHSM Overview.
  7. ACM AWS Certificate Manager Overview.
  8. Secret Manager Overview.
  9. Secret Manager vs. Parameter Store.
  10. AWS Artifact Overview.

Laboratory 1: Parameter store and Secret Manager configuration.

Module 16: Identity management.


  1. YO SOY.
  2. Cognito Federation and SAML.
  3. STS and access between accounts.
  4. Cognito identity pools and user pools.
  5. AWS SSO.

Module 17: Route 53.


  1. DNSOverview.
  2. Route 53 Overview.
  3. Create domain and DNS records.
  4. CNAMEs vs. Aliases.
  5. EC2 configuration Route 53.
  6. Route 53 routing policies I (simple, Weighted and Latency)
  7. Route 53 health check and routing policies II (Failover, Geolocation, Geoproximity and Multivalue).
  8. External domains and Route 53.

Module 18: VPC Networks.


  1. VPC and Subnets Overview.
  2. Private vs. Public IP.
  3. Internet Gateway, NAT Instnaces and NAT Gateway.
  4. Bastion hosts.
  5. Route 53 and private zone resolution.
  6. NACL and security groups.
  7. Reachability Analyzer.
  8. VPC Peering.
  9. VPC Endpoints.
  10. VPC Flow logs.
  11. AWS vs Onpremise connectivity (VPN Site to site, Direct Connect and Direct Connect Gateway).
  12. AWS PrivateLink.
  13. AWS Classic link.
  14. IPV6 for VPC and Egress only internet Gateway.

Laboratory 1: VPC configuration and subnets.

Lab 2: NACL and Security Groups configuration.

Module 19: Other services.


  1. OpenSearch (AWS Elastic search) Overview and Kibana.
  2. X ray.

Module 20: Preparation and programming exam certification.

Lesson 1: Exam Preparation.Lesson 2: Certification Exam Programming.

Duration32 Hours
ModalityLive classes

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Certification Details

This credential helps organizations identify and develop talent with essential skills for implementing cloud initiatives. Earning the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate demonstrates experience deploying, managing, and operating workloads on AWS.

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